SiPlaGo - FAQ

SiPlaGo - FAQ

SiPlaGo LP - Frequently asked Questions

Frequently asked Questions - SiPlaGo LP

On this page you will find answers to frequently asked questions. If you have difficulties to find an answer to your questions, please send us an email or contact one of our distribution partners in your area. Thank you.

1. Answers to questions about our documents

1.1 Why is there a signature field for a witness and who can sign as a witness?

In Canada it is common that a witness signs documents and contracts. Everyone who is at legal age can sign as a witness, even if it is a relative. The witness confirms with his signature that the data in the ID are identical with the data in the agreement and that he has viewed the ID. The witness does not need to be identified and the signature does not need to be legible.

1.2 What should I do if there is no witness available or if I don't want a witness?

A witness is not necessary and if there is no witness of if you don't want a witness then just leave the signature fields, where the witness signs, empty.

1.3 What should I write under Source of Capital?

Please provide information about the source of the money which you are using to buy precious metals. You can write inheritance, savings, earned money, etc. We can not accept your order if the capital is coming from an illegal source, like money laundering, selling illegal products, etc.

1.4 Which prises should I use in the precious metal order?

Please use our selling prices which you can find on the product page. There is on line in which it says "We sell this product for:", please use the amount right next to these words. If you see a button which says "UPDATE PRICES", please click on it to see the latest prices. Please note that the prices you see on our website are not the final prices. You will receive an invoice with our final prices in he morning hours of the following work day, please check your email and your spam and junk folders as well.

1.5 Which prises should I use in the precious metal sales order?

Please use our purchase prices which you can find on the product page. There is on line in which it says "We buy this product for:", please use the amount right next to these words. If you see a button which says "UPDATE PRICES", please click on it to see the latest prices. Please note that the prices you see on our website are not the final prices. You will receive a credit note with our final prices in he morning hours of the following work day, please check your email and your spam and junk folders as well.

2. Answers to questions about invoice and payment

2.1 When do I get my invoice for my order?

You'll receive your invoice during morning hours of the following work day after sending your order to us. Please check your email and your spam and junk folders as well and contact us if you can't find our invoice.

2.2 Do I have do wire the invoice amount to your bank account in Canada?

No, you don't have to. We also have a German bank account and you can wire to our German bank account as well. Especially if you are paying from an IBAN account it is much easier and cheaper to wire your funds to our German bank account. You will find all our banking information on our invoice..

2.3 When do I have to pay your invoice?

The precious metal business is a very time sensitive business. Prices are constantly moving and because of this we ask our customers to pay our invoice on the same day they receive their invoice. If you pay your invoice later and the prices move up in the meantime you will be charged an additional amount.

2.4 What if your invoice gets into my spam folder and I do not notice it?

Your still responsible to pay your invoice on time. You have to make sure that you receive our invoice which will be send to you by email the next morning after placing your order. In case you can't find our email with the invoice in your inbox, your spam or junk folder, you have to contact us immediately.


Silver, the precious metal with a lot of potential

Silver is the precious metal with probably the highest long-term potential, as the reserves are becoming increasingly scarce and at the same time industrial demand is increasing.

Gold, the enduring precious metal

Gold means stability and security. It is and will always be valuable in our world and is probably the best currency one can own.

Platinum, the alternative precious metal

Platinum is a precious metal and, like silver, also an industrial metal. It is consumed and only mined in small quantities and is rarer than gold.
